Saturday, July 17, 2010

My single self! Ashlee- 24 St.Louis

In response to Kelly's Corner Show Us Your Life Friday, I decided to join in the fun and post a little something about myself, being that I AM single and she's wanting the singles to represent this week!

I'm 24 and currently live in St. Louis, where I've lived for 11 years now. I just graduated from MBU in April with a Bachelor's in Worship Arts and a Bachelor's in Ministry and Leadership. I am currently a receptionist with a wonderful national non-profit Christian residential counseling ministry. I hope to begin my Master's in marriage and family counseling next year but am also open to whatever God has for me in this season of my life, my future is in his hands! Ultimately I do want to be leading worship full time in a church based or traveling ministry and be able to provide counseling in conjunction with that particular ministry.

I am a pastor's kid and have grown up in church but am glad to say that that has not jaded or exagerated my spiritual life in any way (which often times it can, ask any pk!). It's all about a personal relationship with Christ...not religious legalism or denominational allegiances. He has shown Himself sovereign in my life and I reconize my complete reliance upon Him for everything, including the future of my love life!

I come from a loving family and they are extremely important to me. I would love to meet someone that shares my family values! I have 1 brother who is married and has 4 boys (with a 5th child on the way) and 1 sister. My parents were married for 40 years before my father passed away in 2008, what an example they set!

In my free time I love to play guitar and sing (I've been singing since I could talk!), work out, travel, get out and experience all that the city of St. Louis has to offer, spend time with friends and family, check out the latest flicks, head to baseball games, and just spontaneously head out on exciting adventures! I enjoy good books, Starbucks, great food, chocolate, rain storms, Yankee candles, a great smile, and all the simple things in life. I am 6'1" so my future mate MUST be ok with height, whether he's tall or short. God made me this way, I cant and wouldnt change it...and I LOVE to wear heels. lol.

If the man of God's dreams for me is reading this, I want you to know that I'm praying for you and cannot wait to finally meet you. I pray that God blesses your life as He has blessed mine and that one day we will be able to experience his love and blessings on our life together. Though the details of my potential mate are in God's hands, I pray that he has a great all-around personality, loves to have fun and can be goofy, is compassionate and caring, but strong and protective as well. I hope that he appreciates my love of travel (and wants to pursue big adventures with me),  my propensity for reminiscing and building memories, and my laid back, go with the flow nature.  I pray that we can build great communication and trust and be more than just marriage partners but also best friends. I love with all that I am and give 100%. While I cant promise that things will always be perfect, I can promise I'll always be by your side to push through the tough times and rejoice in the times of blessing. I hold you, love of mine, close to my heart.


If anyone sees this and would like to pass it on or post email, facebook, whatever...that'd be great!

You can also email me at

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Last Moments of 23

In 47 minutes I will transcend from the young, vibrant age of 23 into the ripe, old age of 24. Ha! It's sad, I do actually feel older. All of the kids who were babies when I was in gradeschool/highschool are now graduating highschool themselves...YIKES! Most of my friends (who are younger than me) are getting engaged, married, and having babies. Life is rapidly moving along and being as such I thought I would jot down a few thoughts before one age passes away into the next.

What 23 has brought me:

  • I finished my Senior year of college, graduated Magna Cum Laude, and completed an awesome internship with Mercy Ministries.
  • I met an amazing woman who paved the way for my current job and who taught me so much about reaching out and making a difference...may she be covered in Kingdom Blessings  =)
  • I was reminded that loss is inevitable and that people do grow and change, whether you're ready or not. My brother and his family relocated from St. Louis to Iowa and 2 of my best friends moved away. God shakes up our lives for a reason....I'm still waiting to see the outcome of that shake up lol.
  • I learned that God is the true Orchestrator of our lives and that by Him alone are we able to thrive and flourish. When times were hard, God made a way. When money was tight, He provided. When I didnt know what would come in the job arena after college, He provided the perfect position. When I didnt know how I was going to get a new car, He provided the deal of a lifetime and gifted me beyond my dreams. Let HIS will be done and you will NOT regret it. It's not always easy, it doesnt always feel good. We will experience pain and loss. But we will also experience inexpressable joy and blessing. Trust me, I've seen it... more importantly, trust HIM.
  • I learned that close friends dont come around everyday so it's important to hold on tightly to the ones God has blessed us with. I have been incredibly blessed with the friendships God has placed in my life. They teach me so many things and remind me that this journey of life is not meant to be walked out alone.
  • I was reminded of how much I love my family and how I couldnt imagine life without them, but in that I was reminded of how much I miss my dad and wish that he was still here. I'd love it if he showed up at my door in the morning to say , "Happy birthday, gucci, I wuv you"...Maybe I'll just say it to myself in the morning and it'll suffice.
  • I learned that hard work really does pay off, not just in school, but in life. I lost 50 lbs all through working out and eating right. I spent the time in the gym, expended the energy, and dripped in sweat but it has paid off. I am so incredibly happy to be so much healthier. I often forced myself to do things in the gym that I didnt want to but in that I found out that I was so much stronger than I realized.
  • I learned that it is possible to mess up a potentially good thing. I wish I had given it more of a chance, and for that I'm sorry. But it taught me a lot and I can only hope that it did the same for you.
  • I was reminded to hold onto what/who is important and get rid of the rest.
  • I found that the best conversations are had laying in the park on a blanket, staring up at the stars, listening to country music....flirting with the idea of the future.
  • Tall skinny vanilla lattes from Starbucks are my vice.
  • Red velvet cake is still my favorite.
  • The Blind Side was the best movie of the year.
  • My favorite color changes daily but I spent most of this year loving purple.
  • I've read more books for pleasure since graduating than I ever did while I was in school (Eat, Pray, Love being my favorite)
  • I'm going to be an aunt for the 5th time (due Christmas day!)
  • Cupcakes rock my world.
  • I'm still just as eclectic as ever and was actually told by an aquaintance that I'm "quirky" (whatever that means)

What I hope 24 holds for me:
  • More health and happiness
  • More lessons and blessings
  • Direction and dreams.
  • Meeting the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life having adventures with.
  • Traveling.
  • More opportunities to show God's love and be His light
  • More moments of pure bliss with friends and family

That's about all I have for now. If you have been involved in my life this past year, I love you and thank you for speaking into and being apart of my life.