Monday, October 10, 2011

Yahoo Article Commentary

I love when I pop onto Yahoo! and find some sort of story on "7 Cosmetic Items to Avoid" or "Does Caffiene Make You Fat?"  Being a newly deemed "Health Queen", my curiosity can not help but be piqued by such titles.  Now, you must know that I do not look at Yahoo! News as any source of viable reporting, but I do find it interesting to see what they are peddling to the unassuming public.

Today I stumbled across this enticing story entitled Diet Foods that Make You Fat:

In this article the writers highlight several foods or ingredients found in many foods that can cause weight gain instead of loss.  There's nothing too terribly medically founded here and really, anyone who has watched Dr. Oz more than once already knows about all of these, but I wanted to highlight a few that I thought were interesting.

First? Their #1 "Diet Food" making people fat was Fast Food Salads.  Nothing about the words "Fast-Food-Salad" rings a "HEALTHY" bell in my mind, but ok Yahoo!, let's consider it.  The average Joe or Jolene will visit a fastfood joint or a sit down restaurant and think that if they are going to eat healthy then the best they can do is eat a salad, right? WRONG. Consider that most restaurant salads contain over 1,000 calories and 30-60 grams of fat. How about just cutting out Fast Food altogether? Fast Food is just what it suggests, FAST.  And you want to know why it's fast?  Because it takes all of 20 seconds to nuke a processed meat patty, throw it on a high carb low nutrient bun, and throw some chemically inhanced produce and condiments on in.  Sounds yummy right? You CAN eat healthy at regular sit-down restaurants but it takes work and it takes speaking up and custom ordering items to keep your plate as healthy as possible.  Your best bet?  Keep most of your meals on the dinner table at home, made in your kitchen from ingredients that YOU purchased and put together, and save going out to dinner for special occassions.  It's time America got back in the kitchen and started taking some ownership of their meals!

Next?  Frozen and boxed meals or meal fixing products.  Can we stamp a big fat "DUH" sticker on this one? If you check the boxes on your average "Hungry Man" meal you'll find insane amounts of sodium, trans fats, cholesterol, sugar, etc.  You'll also find a box ful of processed "pseudo food" that does nothing but act as a placebo to your stomach to make you think you're full and satisfied when all you've really done is pumped your body full of chemicals and additives. Nothing about that is making you thinner, it's making you sicker. Fresh food is the way to go! "But that takes too much time! I need to be able to pack something fast for work!"  It takes no longer to pack a healthy lunch that you've prepared ahead of time than it does to pull a box of junk out of the freezer.

Another gem? If you see the words "Fat-Free" or "Low Fat" or "Sugar Free"  run in the opposite direction! These labels are a nice little trick that marketing firms came up with to peddle more worthless, toxic, product.  You HAVE to read labels!  Don't trust marketing.  Marketing never made anyone healthy.  Most "Fat-Free" products are laced with other flavor enhancers, sodium, and all sorts of other items to make them taste even half way decent...which never works, they still taste awful. Even "Low Fat" does this.  And " Sugar-Free"?  Forget it.  All you'll find there is chemically enchanced sugar substitutes, fake ingredients, and a hot mess. Eat healthy fats like nuts, cook with healthy fats like Olive Oil and Coconut Oil.  Use Stevia to sweeten your cooking or baking.  I've created delicious masterpeieces with these things.  They aren't hard to find nor are they expensive!
Watch out for added ingredients in your favorite so called "health foods" and see where you can make a switch.  Ditch "low fat" flavored yogurts....filled to the brim with aspertame and chemicals.  Instead pick up whole milk, full fat, unsweetened yogurt and flavor it with fresh berries, nuts, and a dash of cinnamon and Stevia!  You NEED the healthy fats found in yogurt.  Don't skip out on the essential fats you need for your body to function! Skip the "low fat" cottage cheeses too.  You need the full milk fat!

My last one? SUGAR!!! Let's face it, especially if you're on the Maximized Living Advanced Plan like me, you KNOW that sugar is in everything.  Oh Sugar, how America consumes thee, let me count the ways...:
-Salad dressing
-Fruit Juice
-Canned foods
-Mixes and boxed food
-Snack bars, fruit snacks
-Yogurt, milk, cottage cheese

I could go on and on, because the list certainly does, but you get my point. Sugar is killing us! The average American consumes over 12 tablespoons of sugar in one 24 hour period versus the recommended 6 teaspoons. Yikes! We're all walking around in sugar commas! Is it any wonder we're fat, depressed, hyper active, unable to concentrate, lethargic, achy, injury prone, and just plain sick all the time? Read up on what health experts have to say about the toxic effects of sugar on the body and you'll think twice about picking up that next Diet Coke or Snicker's bar. Just sayin'

Be Green and Live Healthy Today!

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