A few weeks ago I had a humbling conversation with a friend who is half a world away and it was during this conversation, seeing his passion for his faith, that I was convicted about my own state of passion for mine. I have been a Christian my entire life. I was baptised when I was 6 but I was born into a pastor's home and basically came out of the womb loving Jesus. The Christian bubble has been my safety net as long as I can remember but this same safety net has also proved to be my undoing at times as well. I have seen some of the worst attrocities come from those who call themselves "Christians" and claim to love God but their ways are far from Him. It could be very easy to become jaded and turn away from God all together simply because of his followers but I've always known that my God is not what these seemingly irreverant "Christians" embody. In the 18 years that I have been a born again believer I have experienced the inexpressable, painful, beautiful, awe inspiring love of a Maker that I dont even begin to deserve. I have ridden the waves of faith that wax and wane between intense devotion to perplexed despondency. I have witnessed the Lord of Heaven and earth giving and taking away. I have been rendered to brokenness on my knees before Him, with no choice but to praise Him, trust Him, love Him. But have I truly loved Him with wreckless abandon as we are called to do? What does it mean to love the One who IS love?
In an effort to better understand this concept and to put a flame to the pilot light of my faith stove, I decided to take on the challenge of reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. I have heard so much about this book and it's ability to shed new light on an ancient concept but had never read it myself. I was excited to find that Mr. Chan created videos to go along with the written journey so as to further challenge his readers to consider the concepts that he so painstakingly presents.
He makes the point that we are not to journey through this life alone and that the journey of God's love should be approached in a relational way with other believers. I would love to have a huge group of us reading this and interacting together but I am realistic about the fact that we are all in different parts of our journeys and you may not be reading this while I am. However, I have decided to journal my journey through this book and welcome those of you who have read it (or even if you havent!) to interact with the concepts, revelations, heart renderings, and moments of awe of our Majestic Father that will inevitably emerge during this time.
I will also be posting the videos that go with each chapter, which I urge you to take the time to watch, even if you're not currently reading the book.
Strap yourselves in. Keep all limbs inside the vehicle at all times. Here we go!
Chapter 1: Stop Praying.
Say what?! Hold on, does this NOT go against everything we've ever been told about prayer? Mr. Chan, pardon me, but what are you smoking? Just kidding. There is good reason for this command. How often do we as Christians run to God in prayer only when the walls are crumbling around us, begging for resolve or blessing, or healing, or relief? How often do we really consider the enormity of the One who we bring our requests to?
-"Men are never duly touched and impressed with conviction of their insignificance, until they have contrasted themselves with the majesty of God."
Sit and soak in that for a moment. R.C. Sproul, take us away! Does God answer prayers? Yes. Does God care about the details of our lives? Yes. But are we only concerned with God in respect to how He is concerned with us? The answer is likely yes. The real question is, what do WE think about God? Or for that matter, do we even think about God? Lately my core has been shaken by the amount of professing Christians whose main focus is what God can DO for them. Sure, they have to have faith that He WILL bless them but according to them, this believing faith is all that is required, no matter what the request. Want to win the lottery? Believe hard enough and God will bless you. Want to be cured from cancer? Pray and believe...and if you believe hard enough, God will certainly heal you. WOW. Is that what our instant-gratification society has reduced the God of the UNIVERSE to? Does this worry anyone else?!
The point of this first chapter is to shake up your preconceived ideas and approaches to God and make you stop and stand in awe of who HE really is. While we cannot even begin to understand all of the intricacies of His entity, He does give us wonderful insights that surround us every day....do you see them?
-"It is sobering to realize that this is the same God who is holy and eternal, the Maker of the billions of galaxies and thousands of tree species in the rainforest. This is the Gd who takes the time to know all the little details about each of us. He does not have to know us so well, but He chooses to." - F.Chan
The following is another video that encompasses the message of this chapter. While it is longer, it is not to be overlooked. Take a few moments and really let the message you've probably heard all of your life. Think about His grace. Think about His mercy.
"He is jealous for me. Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree bending beneath the weight of His love and mercy. All of a sudden I am unaware of afflictions eclipsed by glory and I realize just how BEAUTIFUL You are and how great Your affections are for me." - David Crowder "How He Loves"
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