Chapter 2 of Crazy Love is entitled "You may not finish this chapter". In this chapter Mr. Chan reminds us of how insignificant (in the scope of the universe) and fleeting our lives really are. We spend so much time and effort on making ourselves the stars of our own movie that we often leave God out. We often spend so much time "doing" for God that we neglect "being" with God...we neglect his commands and statutes because we somehow think that we are exempt because of our good deeds. Good deeds dont get us into Heaven nor do they prove anything to God. We are saved by grace through faith, and NOT by works, so that no man can boast. Should we do things as an expression of our love for God? Yes. Should we do things in an attempt to earn favor with God at the expense of our relationship with God? No.
This chapter really did hit me like a wrecking ball to the gut. How often do we really consider the fragility of our time here on earth? Are we making each day a day that glorifies Him? I dont believe that we should walk around with our mortal "death watch" time pieces on our wrists, fretting about what COULD happen during a day that could possibly wipe us out. But I do believe that it is important to live our lives in the face of eternity. Paul said "To live is Christ and to die is gain." If we live or die, either way, we ultimately win. If we live we are granted more time on earth to proclaim the love of Christ to the nations and if we die we are granted an eternity with our One True Love. How does it get any better than that?
Secondly,I was convicted by Mr. Chan's perspective on worry and stress. I'm blessed to say that I've long put my worry days behind me and learned that trusting in God, letting Him have control, and letting HIS will be done puts me in the peaceful passenger seat...and I'm more than ok with this. I do, however, have a hard time with stress. I often take too much on myself, balance too many plates, and lack the ability to consistently deligate to alleviate the issue. Am I the only one? "Both worry and stress wreak of arrogance." OUCH! Mind stepping on my pride abit more, Mr. Chan? But think about it... it's true! When we worry or stress out, we are saying that whatever the issue or circumstance, its too big for God to handle and we can take it ourselves. Right, like the God of the universe couldnt handle a final exam, or scrapping the money together to pay a car payment, or get to work on time despite the parking lot that 270 can be at 7:00am?OUR GOD IS INFINITELY MORE CAPABLE AND ABLE THEN WE WILL EVER BE. NOTHING IS TOO BIG FOR OUR GOD. Got it? Let that sink in for a moment. I think it's time that we as Christians join hands and fight against our own fleshly arrogance that says we are all sufficient and put God back on the throne of our lives. Let's just say I'm going to be much more aware of my stress levels after reading this chapter.
I did, by His grace, finish the chapter and now feel as though He has given me the gift of another moment to praise Him. I may not have this moment tomorrow or the next day, but I have it now and will bask in His love and marvel at His mercy for it.
Life is not about us. Life does not revolve around us. Life is a gift to us from God and what we do with that life is our gift back to Him. What are YOU going to do with this gift?
One final note as a response to this video..
My father was an incredible man of faith who ministered to so many during his time on earth. No matter what condition he was in, he always took the time to show God's love and be the hands and feet of his Ceator. At my father's memorial service (life celebration) the house was packed and so many individuals came forward to speak about how my father's life had impacted theirs...lives he didnt even know he had touched. My father often doubted if what he was doing ever made a difference but on the day that he breathed his last and woke up at the gates of Eternity, I am assured that all doubt was stripped away when he heard the Father say "Well done my good and faithful servant."
What will people say about you when you're gone? What will people say about your faith when you're gone? Food for thought.
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