Thursday, June 16, 2011

Back in Action

I realize that it has been a hot second since I last updated my own blog, so my expectations of anyone reading this are fairly gauged at "low" but am hoping to build this back up.  I have been a bit more focused on Java Journeys with Kacy and have been LOVING it.  If you havent had a chance to visit that blog, please head over and check it out. We visit coffee shops all over St. Louis and review them and can I say, we've had a blast! I think you'd enjoy it.

Between March (my last post) and now not much has been missed.  Infact the only thing of note that happened during this time was Joy's (my mini dachshund) emergency spinal surgery after finding she had a herniated disk in her back.  Her 2 month post-surgery date is swiftly approaching and I'm excited to say that she is doing wonderfully and has regained function in her back legs (she had lost it completely pre-surgery).  She is getting stronger each day.  God has definitely shown Himself faithful in all areas of this situation.

I'm extremely excited and expectant for what God is doing in this season of my life.  I have taken on the planning of the Run for Mercy 5K and Family Run this year and have already been so amazed at what God is doing with me and my team during this process.  I just know that this event will be the biggest in RFM St. Louis history and will move this event into a new exciting place for the years to come. You will most likely hear much about this through the next few months, so bare with me and pray for me!

I have just recently started a Wednesday night Beth Moore study "David: Seeking a Heart Like His" and for any of you that have done one of her studies know that she is just an awesome vessel of knowledge and wisdom on Biblical matters.  She exegites like none other. Her zeal for Truth is inspiring.  I have been so blown away already by this study and am day by day feeling my passion for Truth further burn.  If I could offer any piece of advice to you right now, it would be to dig into Scripture through a study like this.  Allow yourself to step out of your Sunday School comfort zone and be challenged to plunge deeper into His-story.  If you've never done a study, don't be intimidated by the thought of it or think "that's too advanced for me".  If you're faithful to it, He will be faithful to reveal Himself to you in portions that are sized out just for you.

Here's more about this specific study:

I have so much to touch on regarding this study but I am going to end the post here, as I must be getting ready to head to the gym. Can't miss some great stretch in Body Flow (yoga/pilates/tai chi). No lie, this class is my new favorite.  If you live near a Gold's Gym here's what you need to do.  Run, don't walk, to it. Get signed up and head to this class.  They offer it at nearly all Gold's.  Yee are now without excuse. :)


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