Thursday, August 25, 2011

Going Green... A New Way of Life!

The life of this blog is about to take a dramatic turn.  I have started out on a new journey to health and wholeness and have decided to *gasp* BLOG about it! Many have asked me various questions about what I'm doing and this is my place to answer those.  Many have asked for the recipes I have recently started using and this will be my place to post them. Be assured that I will also post many link to interesting "green living" websites, articles, and more.

 I am by now means an authority on this... I'm simply an everyday woman seeking to live my life to the best of God's glory, which means living as clean and simply as possible.  It's all about treating your body as His temple. He hasn't created us in His image for us to abuse that. Nor has he made our bodies the "temple of the Holy Spirit" for us to go around vandalizing it under the socio-acceptable motto of "live for today because we might not get tomorrow."  We have a a responsibility as human beings, as God's creation, to honor him by honoring our bodies...meaning, we NEED to take care of ourselves! 

This doesn't mean skipping out on fastfood here and there or trading your favorite Coke for a Diet (which is killing you slowly, by the way).  It doesn't mean hitting the gym 2-3 times per doesn't mean doing just enough to "get by".  It means pursuing whole health and wellness, both physically and spiritually, with excellence. Excellence takes work....but nothing that was ever worth having came easily. 

This IS your life.  This IS your moment in time to make a difference.  Are you who you want to be?  If not, guess what?  YOU CAN CHANGE.  Starting right here, right now.  Make a life altering decision to depart from the overwhelming status quo of just existing and join those of us who want our lives to make a difference and who really want to enjoy all the best God has for us.  Join me as I wander out of the high-fructose corn syrup sarcoffagus I've inhabited most of my life and seek the high-quality natural solution lifestyle that will serve as my fighting force against the genetic terrorists I'm faced with (heart disease, diabetes, renal disease, arthritis, lung issues, high blood pressure, and your family could be found with alot of these as well!).

So here we go friends...into the wild GREEN yonder!  The time for change is now.

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